A sweet story written by a child who was adopted from the foster care system. He shares his fears about leaving his foster home to move in with a new adoptive family. Very realistic and honest, I Miss My Foster Parents may help other children feel that they are not alone in missing their foster parents and depicts the relationship continuing with phone calls, cards, and visits. Hopefully this book will serve as a reminder to adoptive parents to keep connections with past care givers.
In “Being Adopted” 7-year-old Stephanie shares her adoption in a simple short story. This is one of the most honest adoption stories I’ve read. In her innocent way she focuses not only on the joy of her adoptive parents and the love they have for her, but of the grief and loss of her birth mother. She mentions how she thinks about her birth family and is excited to meet them one day. Also, important to note is the acceptance of this by her adoptive family, parents take note.
© Images provided by special permission from the Child Welfare League of America, Washington, DC