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Events for December 2024 › Wayne County

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Calendar of Events
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Hockey: Faster Than Ever at The Henry Ford

Holiday Markets at Eastern Market

Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical at Fox Theatre

Wayne County Lightfest at the Merriman Hollow Park Area

Flying Cardboard Theatre’s Adventures of Dimitri and Banana Sandwich

Home for the Holidays at Ford House

Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical at Fox Theatre

HOCKEY: Faster Than Ever at The Henry Ford

Christmas Tea Time at The Royal Eagle Fine Dining

Wayne County Lightfest at the Merriman Hollow Park Area

Holiday Nights in Greenfield Village

Holiday Movies at the Redford Theatre

Detroit Urban Craft Fair at Masonic Temple

The Nutcracker Ballet with Detroit Symphony Youth Orchestra at Michael A. Guido Theater

Lionel Train Display at the Henry Ford Museum

Holidays in Heritage in Canton

Home Alone in Concert at the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Music Center

Cookies with Santa at Ford House

The Art of Dining: Food Culture in the Islamic World at the Detroit Institute of Arts

Santa Visits at the Farm at Maybury Farm

Breakfast with Santa at The War Memorial

Lionel Train Display at the Henry Ford Museum

Frontline Prophet: James Baldwin at The Wright

Wayne County Lightfest at the Merriman Hollow Park Area

Cookies with Santa at Ford House

“‘Twas the Night Before…” by Cirque du Soleil at the Fox Theatre


Holiday Markets at Eastern Market

Winterfest Light Stroll in Taylor

Frontline Prophet: James Baldwin at The Wright

Menorah in the D at Campus Martius Park in Detroit

Holiday Nights in Greenfield Village

“Twas the Night Before…” by Cirque du Soleil at the Fox Theatre

Kid’s Kwanzaa! Crafts & Stories at Detroit Public Library, Main Branch

Drop In Workshop: Paper Snowflakes at Detroit Institute of Arts

WWE Live Holiday Tour at Little Caesars Arena

Noon Year’s Eve Party at The Henry Ford

The Detroit Circus

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